1.8 - Project - Addition calculator

Using the skills from 1.1 Writing text, 1.3 Variables, 1.4 User input, 1.5 Operations and 1.6 Data types, we're going to make a simple calculator that will add two numbers together.

User input

We want the user to be able to input their numbers, so we'll use the input function.

a = input("What is the first number?")
b = input("What is the second number?")

Data type conversion

Let's add this onto our code so we can properly do math on the numbers.

a_int = int(a)
b_int = int(b)
Make sure to convert the string to an integer or float, because look at what happens if you don't! Try running "5" + "6" in your REPL.

Performing the math

Now we have to add a and b together. We'll use the addition operator and assign the sum to a variable.

final_number = a + b

Printing the output

We can finally show the user what the output is. We'll use string concatenation to make the output look nicer.

print("The sum of the two numbers is " + str(final_number))

We've included the str function to convert the integer to a string to make sure we aren't adding a string to a number.

Final code

a = input("What is the first number?")
b = input("What is the second number?")

a_int = int(a)
b_int = int(b)

final_number = a + b

print("The sum of the two numbers is " + str(final_number))
  • Try adding comments in the code to explain the program
  • Can you work out why you can't add numbers with decimals? Hint: check 1.6 Data types
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