2.4 - For loops

For loops iterate over a list, and executes the code inside the loop. The for loop's syntax looks like this:

for variable in list:
    # Code

We'll use a built in function called range that returns a list from a to b. This code will count up from 1 to 10 then say "Blast off!"

for count in range(1, 10): # 1 to 10
print("Blast off!")

We can visualize the code like this:

  1. Get the value of range(1, 10) which is a list of numbers from 1 to 10
  2. For each value in that list:
    1. Set the count variable to the current item in the list
    2. Run the code:
      1. Print the value of the count variable
    3. Go to the next item
  3. Print "Blast off!"
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